Proposal Writing During PhD Periods

  • Graph Foundation Models on the Recommender System
    PI: Jiliang Tang
    Role: Lead and Draft Part of the Proposal
    Result: Submitted to Meta Inc

  • Foundation Models on Graph
    PI: Jiliang Tang
    Role: Lead and Draft Part of the Proposal
    Result: Submitted to Snap Inc and Funded in 2024

  • Graph Foundation Models
    PI: Jiliang Tang
    Role: Lead and Draft Part of the Proposal
    Result: Submitted to Amazon Inc and Funded in 2024

  • Accelerate Foundation Models Academic Research Initiative
    PI: Jiliang Tang
    Role: Lead and Draft Part of the Proposal
    Result: Submitted to Microsoft and Funded in 2024

  • Towards Large Language Models (LLMs) for Learning on Graphs
    PI: Jiliang Tang
    Role: Lead and Draft Part of the Proposal
    Result: Submitted to Cisco and Funded in 2024

  • Graph Neural Networks for Link Prediction: Deep Insights and New Perspective
    PI: Jiliang Tang
    Role: Lead and Draft Part of the Proposal
    Result: Submitted to Snap and Funded in 2023

Academic Activities

  • Learning on Graph Conference Organizer 2024

  • WSDM CUP 2023: Unbiased Learning to Rank & Pre-training for Web Search
    Organizers: Lixin Zou, Haitao Mao, Xiaokai Chu, Changying Hao, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin, Jiliang Tang
    [WSDM CUP page] [Task1] [Task2] [Dataset Homepage] [Video] [Slides]

  • KDD CUP 2023: Amazon Multilingual Recommendation
    Organizers: Bing Yin, Chen Luo, Haitao Mao, Hanqing Lu, Haoming Jiang, Jiliang Tang, Karthik Subbian, Monica Cheng ,Suhang Wang, Wei Jin, Xianfeng Tang, Yizhou Sun, Zhen Li, Zheng Li, Zhengyang Wang
    KDD CUP 2023 & KDD Workshop 2023
    [KDD CUP Page] [KDD Workshop Page] [Openreview]

  • LoG Local Mini-conferences in MidNorth of US
    Organizers: Haitao Mao, Harry Shormer, Jing Zhu, Xingjian Zhang, Zhichun Guo, Kehan Guo, Gang Liu, Mingxuan Ju, Yihong Ma, Yijun Tian, Brenda Nogueira, Xiangliang Zhang, Yanfang Ye, Qiaozhu Mei, Danai Koutra, Meng Jiang, Nitesh Chawla, Jiliang Tang

  • Branch Leader in [AITIME Debate]

    • Debate: What Theory We Need for Deep Learning

    • Debate:Graph in AGI Era

    • Debate: Is Backdoor Defense Important in Deep Learning

    • Debate: What is the Frontier in Low-level Vision

    • AI2000: Young scientist

  • Session Chair in [MLNLP Community]

    • The 15th Seminar of MLNLP Community

    • The 9th Seminar of MLNLP Community

Professional Services

Program Committee Chair

Workshop: KDD 2023, WebConf 2024


Journals: TKDE, TPAMI, AIIM, TOIS, IEEE TBD, Neurocomputing

Conferences: NeurIPS 2022-2024, NeurIPS(dataset track) 2023-2024, ICML 2022-2024, ICLR 2024, LoG 2022-2024, KDD 2023, WebConf 2024, WSDM 2023-2024, AAAI 2023, CIKM 2022, SDM 2024, RecSys 2023

Worshops: NeurIPS 2022-2023